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Adventures of Ol' Red
There once was a proud little shiny Brit car,
The paint was brand new and the leather was fresh,
Its owner was as happy as a man could be,
Every time the two set out for who knows where,
They shifted through the gears with such great finesse,
A loop-dee-loop here and a hairpin turn there,
That old farm tractor-like engine would grunt and groan,
The roarty exhaust could be heard for many country miles,
The beautiful green landscape was a sight to behold,
The road ahead was full of exciting hidden treasures,
But then one day the owner heard a funny noise.
The lights were turned off and the fresh air was all but gone,
Long days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months,
All dusty and dirty, and so full of cobwebs,
His daily activity was watching two mice,
The owner eventually found other things to do with his spare time,
Then one day while flipping through a British car magazine,
Ahhh, he could remember those days when he and Red had so much fun,
He could envision the fun of shifting gears,
The heel and toe driving skill that he had perfected,
The warm summer breeze on his sun-kissed face,
The beautiful blue sky provided by God from above,
Ol' Red took him places he'd never been before,
The next thing you know Ol' Red was being towed,
The sun was now beaming on its bright but faded red paint,
The warmth felt so good while the sun�s rays beamed upon it,
The mechanic replaced this and then adjusted that,
With a simple turn of the key, and the starter button a poke,
The fire inside the engine was like a hot furnace blast,
The roarty exhaust reminded everyone within earshot,
Given this second chance, he'd make his owner proud,
Even though Ol' Red was much older than before,
Now they were having more fun than ever,
They've made a commitment they promise to never sever,
Triple-C Accessories
�2002/2003 British Car Week
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