Appology - Digital photo's below were taken using Lucas brand .125 megapixel camera

Bearing Cap

You can see in the picture above, the crankshaft had originally worn into the face of the main bearing end cap, then again on the repaired area after the second OEM washer wore very rapidly.

Old Washers

The washer on the far left is the original thrust loaded washer. You can see that part of it broke off after it became thin from so much wear.

The thrust washer on the far right is the original one on the "unloaded" rear side. You can still see the lube grooves.

The middle washer is the replacement washer placed on the thrust loaded side. You can see that the lube grooves had worn off in only 150 miles!!

New Washer

Above is a picture [early development] of the alloy washer that has enabled me to continue to drive my car.

End play check and more....

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©1998-2008~ Scott Helms - Northern Indiana U.S.A.